

最近真的好忙,好忙。也很压力。可是又很random。就像昨天,我居然去报名参加我们科系的Family Day & Aims’ Night AJK.也不知道是不是怕下个sem太轻松。哈哈。不过真得很久没interview了。感觉还不错。不是很紧张(或是该说根本没有)因为是同班的interview。很搞笑咯!不过我一点都没有搞笑。哈哈……

Firstly I went for Aim’s Night interview. It is some sort of prom night for our faculty. I think i have a very great chance to enter sponsorship department. Everyone was amazed when they found out that im applying for that department. Well, actually i wan to learn new things here. So, probably this is the most hectic group, but i still think it’s a good opportunity for me to learn.

Then I went for family day interview. I really hope i can enter program group. Coz i know a lot of interesting games.. X3 But the girl (interviewer) keep asking something like if i throw u to catering, is it ok? How about technical? PA system? OMG betul! Then pop up a Q: If today i give u a list with 300ppl names and I want it tomorrow. But the next day is ur exam. What will u do?

OMG… again this Q?! (coz before entering to the room, i asked my friend what has been asked)

“U mean 300? I think it should be no problem for me.” I really answered this way. LOL! 太勇敢了。不过我觉得应该没问题咯。做过那么多次的秘书,是有一定的功力的!哈哈!不过如果这种状况真的发生,我会揍死他。哈哈XD

今早看到数学的成绩。马上大吃一惊!B?! 第一个念头:我要revise! 怎么可能?太差了,接受不到咯!早课结束后就战战兢兢地去找数学老师。(因为那个老师很神经质的,在班上会用骂的来教课)可是意外的,她不凶了哦~ Revise之后就变B+了。虽然还是蛮差的,但是也不错了啦。

之后就到图书馆找Journal。真是たいへんです!找了六个小时,才找到像样一点的。(适合的)为了慰劳自己,就跑去吃Pizza Hut 了~wuahaha~~


